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How to Create a Wish

young woman working on a laptop

Set up Your Wish

Log in to your WishMerge account, or sign up if you're new here (welcome!). Navigate to the "Create a Wish" section. Select the most appropriate category for your wish and list the items you're wishing for. Remember, the total value shouldn't exceed $5000 USD.

 a young man next to a window

Tell Your Story

Craft a compelling title and a heartfelt description for your wish. Make it personal and authentic. This is your chance to connect with potential contributors. Let them understand why this wish matters to you.

several young girls and boys with a laptop

Get Ready to Publish

Decide if your wish will be visible to everyone (public) or only those you share it with (private). Preview your wish to ensure everything looks perfect.

a cheerful young girl with a laptop

Your Wish Goes Live

Hit "Create Wish". Voila! Your wish is now live.

How to Make Your Wish Come True:

Engage with Your Supporters

Share your wish on your social media channels with your friends, family, and community. The more people see your wish, the higher the chance of getting it fulfilled.

Stay Active on WishMerge

Regularly engage with the WishMerge community. Contribute to others' wishes, earn points, and rank higher in the Leaderboard. Remember, those with more points have a higher chance of having their wishes seen and fulfilled.

Patience and Persistence

It might take some time for your wish to get fully funded. Stay patient and continue engaging. Every contribution brings you one step closer to your dream.

Celebrate Every Success

When your wish is fully funded, it's time to celebrate! Make sure to thank your supporters and share your joy. After all, they've been part of your journey!

Remember, at WishMerge, we're always here to support you. We believe in making wishes come true. We're thrilled you're here, and we can't wait to be part of your wish fulfillment journey!